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will be launched shortly.
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Audio Programmes to Change your Life
In addition to my coaching programmes, courses, seminars, group and private
1:1 sessions; I have created a series of Audio Books on different topics.
These books are all part of my "How
to Enjoy..." series.
If you experience any problems please contact me using the email
How to Enjoy Parenting Teenagers
Being a parent
of teenagers can be a challenging experience. Your teenager starts changing, wanting to do different things (usually without
you) and pushing the boundaries even more than they have before.
Understanding these changes and adapting your
own behaviour is crucial to be successful at parenting your teenagers.
In this audio book I share my tips on how
you can not only succeed at 'parenting teenagers' but also enjoy the experience.
The Audio book is
approximately 2hrs 10mins and is available for digitial download or hardcopy (2xCD's).

Digital Download: ONLY £9.99 (see link
below to download)
CD Package: ONLY £12.99 (includes postage and package
-UK only) Please email me at for details of how to buy a double CD.

Click this button to purchase via Debit
/ Credit card or Paypal All transactions are handled via paypal
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